Has Potential if glitches are eliminated – Word-Search Crossword Puzzle-s Review

This game has potential and could be a 5 star word game. However, there are a few programming/ algorithmic glitches. First, it appears that in increments of five instead of it deducting one scroll it deducts two. For example I started wit 17 scrolls/boards. When I had 17, 12, and 7 it deducted 2 scrolls instead of one. When playing the scrolls if it deducts two it then doesn’t cast the “spell” that earns purple letters and later hidden words. Second, on several different boards it would duplicate a word you had already found and was no longer on the board. You would have to use up a hint to uncover it which was always in the same spot it was previously selected in. Last, periodically a letter would disappears from the board completely.
Review by Lilstariah on Word-Search Crossword Puzzle-s.

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