Repetitive and oversexualized – Gacha Memories - Visual Novel Review

I like most of the Gacha games and their pretty cute so I thought this one would be nice. But I was sorely mistaken. The first play through wasn't bad. All the dialogue was new so it kept me interested a little. Still though, some chunks of dialogue were so boring and unnecessary I tapped though it. The second play through was less exciting. Even choosing different choices the story felt pretty much the same and I found myself skipping through most of the story accept for maybe a few lines near the end. The story was short and at first I thought I lost or something because the problem wasn't resolved. But I decided to play again because hey, there are more choices and endings right? Well yes, but also no. There are more choices but they all lead to pretty much the same thing. There's pretty much only one difference: whether you choose to stay on earth or continue to help fight. Let's call the endings in the earth one "earth endings" and the one where you stay and help the "fight endings." The earth endings are a little bit more unique than the fight endings, but there are still many similarities. There are three earth endings, Kukus, Kugaris, and Naomis. Naomi's isn't that good. It relies entirely on you having bonding with he character despite you don't even see her that often or learn much about her. I skipped through a lot so I don't know exactly what happened but I know it's really cliche. Something along the lines of she has some voice in her head because she's all overworked and you come in and help and she's like "omg thanks also I love you." It's just really predictable and extremely short because barely any of the story actually involves her. Also you have sex, which I personally find disgusting and isn't really appropriate for a game rated 9+. The next earth ending is kugaris. It's literally nothing. So you know from the start he loves basketball. And guess what the end is. HE LOVES BASKETBALL! Who would have guessed! The thing is, it makes you think you'll get to be in a relationship with him but no. The end is just him playing basketball. Lastly is Kukus. Hers isn't really bad (and isn't really good with but eh.) As you bond with Kuku, she starts to fall in love with you. Her "yandere side" fights for control because the yandere side is obsessed with Kugari. Kuku fights the feeling that she has to be with kugari and eventually confronts her yandere side. She has a big battle and she eventually kills her yandere side. The yandere Kuku realises all he wrong she brought and her death is in relief and peace instead or anger. You and Kuku fall in love the end. The similarities of the earth endings is that in EVERY one there is a large chunk where you go to the cafe with them. It's just a long, really boringly wrote bonding moment. Next the fight endings, Luni, Ellie, and Mitsuko. Lunis and Ellie's are EXACTLY THE SAME. Goes like this: -Bonding moment one -go To school -Fight the cube thingy -Mess up teleport -Bonding moment two -School again -Decide to stay and help -Bonding moment three -confession -Bug fixer thing and character loses face -You are like "oh no I killed them" -you didn't kill them and find out the bad guy Sol is playing tricks on you -you fight Sol in an undertake like battle which was the only thing I found legitimately interesting. -you and the character have sex (again, ew) and you're in love -the end Mitsukos is almost the same accept the bonding moments are in slightly different places, and you marry her instead of having sex. So hers could be worse. And the voice acting. Oh my god it's disastrous, no wonder the default is off. The audio is crap, sounds like they recorded it using a 3$ mic. Only a few lines of each character are voiced, and the ones that are are really bad. Seriously, kugaris lines have no emotions, and he literally said "ha ha ha." Instead of even trying to laugh. Overall it's repetitive and many endings are boring. When you go for the school plots the magical parts feel like a bunch of filler and when you choose the magic plots it feels like the school parts are a bunch of filler. The writing can be bland and is reused a lot in different endings. And now... the extras... Let's start with Mei x DJ Vinyl. Mei goes to a club even though she hates clubs because plot convenience. The DJ is super cool and famous and points and her and tells her to choose a song because plot convenience. Mei wants to see the DJ and talk but the building literally goes ON FIRE. Why? Plot convenience. You go to the beach to cheer up from not finding the DJ and bump into him. How? Plot convenience. He buys you ice cream and you hang out for a little. You fall in love and ride the train home together. It's kinda cute but the entire story is plot convenience. The story relies on a single cute seen that isn't even that cute at the end to be good. Next is Kimi X Melody This one is the only one where the writer seemed to try. A girl named Kimi is walking down the street when she sees an old woman about to get run over by a truck. She ran to save her and did, but got hit by the truck and went into a short coma. While in that coma she meets Melody. Then she wakes up. She sees someone running that looks like Melody. Kimi demands answers, and Melody reveals she was disguised as the old lady and is actually a witch. Then they fall in love. Lastly is Cyko x Phantom. Basically the same as the others Won grand prize in raffle, two tickets for a day trip to a resort. EVERY SINGLE female friend is busy. Asks this guy he barely know and he accepts. They fall in love etc. Considering how many endings are sex scenes and how the lesbian story is the one with the most thought its basically it's some badly written slightly horny crap a 22 year old man wrote. (yes, it's written by a 22 yr old man, check his profile)
Review by Mar22vvm on Gacha Memories - Visual Novel.

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