I’d rather keep the $2.99 and let the bankers keep it when i die – Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Review

Horrible control to begin with. Interacting requires double tap, and waking sliiiightly faster needs holding tap except that the screen moves and sometimes zooms in when the character moves making misdirections. Why? Two decades ago nintendo figured out we needed bicycle and running shoes. This game prefers the opposite. On battles we have to rotate for no good reason, yet it only offers a shield and a sword as your options. After tutorial phase, we were brought back to title screen, it says “to rest”, except that it displayed a turntable disc, which i naturally spun, on the bottom a second after it says 17%. So you’d think it one has something to do with another, yes? It progresses no more. Maybe because i stopped? There’s a button that says “start over?” next to it. Sure lemme dj properly this time. Boom, progress reset. Start over means delete your progress in this game apparently Oh and on top of having to zoom in everytime we interact with some things, this game constantly breaks the fourth wall by showing you “tweet this?” on the side. So here’s your shoutout.
Review by RubyInScarlet on Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP.

All Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP Reviews

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Needs more directions


