Needs a lot of work – Computer Music Magazine Review

So I just bought the catalog of issues going back 10 years, and while the content appears to be most excellent, this app is trash and brings the whole CM team down to dog s@&#t level. For the love of God, give us a way to read issues on a mac please; otherwise, I’m stuck with either iOS app where the layout is trash on phone, and text is too small, and there’s no way to search for issues, on the phone the issues in the library tab aren’t even labeled by month/number, the ipad app does actually list the month/number when scrolling through issues, but even on the 12” ipad I’m having trouble reading issues comfortably, pinch zooming to read is trash because the text layout is fixed, so not likely to pick up a monthly sub until changes to these usability are addressed. And what is with the
Review by robert91303 on Computer Music Magazine.

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