Omg luv this game – Dank Tanks Review

This game is so much fun I’m addicted, have spent tons of $, and every dollar was worth it. Suggestions: can we please have more maps/terrain/different mini games. In addition to the desert background, how about mountains, fields, jungle, etc. also? Water tanks for water map, hover tank for sky map? I’m big on aesthetics, so would love to have skins for tanks and characters. Speaking of which, waiting on more characters too. Wouldn’t mind driving tank around as a raccoon, manatee, or whatever. And that’s how you make $: more tanks, skins, characters available for gems at a reasonable price. Or in sales/packages/bundles. Most people tend to buy when things are on sale (myself included). Have you guys considered 4v4 or 5v5? I think the more the merrier. Looking forward to see what developers come up with next.
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