Easily a 4 Star App. – TwitCasting Live Review

I'm amazed, with the amount of people actually ADDICTED to twitter, that this isn't more popular. Twitter plus video and sound and if you have the iPhone 4, a front facing camera view that works great over 3G. Now you can actually laugh instead of "lol-ing" all the time. You can show them your look of ultimate surprise and shock instead of "OMG-ing" over and over and over and over. Instead of OMG-ing about a LOL U FAV'd on MSNBC that U LMAO'd at, you can show them! What a modern age we live in... I went from 4 to 3 stars because this is another app that surprisingly does NOT do landscape mode. What's up with this 'portrait only' world?
Review by tripbreaker on TwitCasting Live.

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