Not bad – Neopets: Legends & Letters Review

It totally give it more than 3 stars if it weren’t for a few things... First- and it’s more annoying than an issue really- for daily tasks it tells me I have 2 when I clearly have none and nothing to claim either. First it started with telling me I had 1 and now the number is at 2. Second- adding “er” or “Ed” to the end of some words doesn’t work. For example- fix was already placed. When I put an “e” after fix, it allowed it, but adding an “r” after that “e” it said I was placing a complexly new word of “er”. So “fixer” was not the complete word, it was “er” at the end of fix. It does that with adding onto the end of most words and it’s slightly irritating. Another example of what I mean is if you have the word “hand” going across and you put “sock” going down with the “s” on the end of “hand”, it only says you’re placing the word “sock” and not adding onto the word “hand” to create “hands”. Hopefully that make sense. Other than that, I’m stuck with leveling up characters. The story progressed SUPER fast with team power level and I’m still in the 2,000’s when the story wants me in the 6,000’s. I really like the game though!!
Review by KaylaVix on Neopets: Legends & Letters.

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