Nosedived to zero stars – Crowdfire Review

Crowdfire has been made worthless. Crowdfire was a decent app prior to the last overhaul. Referring to this catastrophe as an update, a word that typically suggests positive change, would be highly inaccurate. The basic/free app is useless and even with a paid subscription the layout is wonky and services so limited it’s nothing to get excited about, so thanks for nothing. I’ve started using a different and really terrific SM manager, their basic service more than enough for beginners or even moderate users, any $$ is an investment in upgrades worthy the description and nominal cost. Someone developed a grossly-inflated opinion of Crowdfire, reduced the quality and quantity of its free-use functions so drastically that it eliminated any reason to have it. Good riddance. Twitter control-mongers have way too much time on their hands. Some brainiac nerd with integrity needs to develop an alternative to Twitter and a compatible social media manager. Someone who believes in free speech with no asterisks, who has no delusion that only their opinions are correct so no need for those with differing viewpoints to be seen or heard, and most of all understands the dangerous mindset of anyone who believes it’s okay to silence opposition. Those who covet power more than knowing truth fear differing opinions the most.
Review by Plazaliz on Crowdfire.

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