Fun but not willing to pay – Idle Ball Race Review

I really enjoy this game, it is a fun way to just pass the time and I really enjoy the random chance that takes place in the game. However, like all great games it has fallen to the ads. Normally I would have no problem paying to get rid of ads, but 3.99 every week? If you think about doing that, you would essentially be paying to watch balls go through a track with the occasional user input, besides that it is just up to chance. I would have no problem paying a one time 3.99 payment to get rid of ads because I am on the app a good amount of time, but having subscription-based payment just seems like the greediest and most money grabbing way of payment. You offer other packages so that the cost is lower the longer of subscription that you buy, but once again why would I or anyone pay so that they can watch a marble go through a course with little to no actual user interaction. I get that you are still a business and trying to make money so that you can make profit and keep the game running, but I feel that you first need to add more to the game and build a stable client base before slapping that big of a price on it. It simply deters your audience from wanting to play your game in the first place.
Review by Atvaz78 on Idle Ball Race.

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