Really needs a better design – NonogramsHDLite Review

I love nonogram games and have played many different versions for iPad and iPhone. Game play is straightforward here and the interface is easy to use. What was really annoying was the "highlight" feature. When you click on a cell in the grid to fill it in, the column and row in which the cell is located change color. Sounds like a good idea, right? It supposed to make it easier to be sure you're clicking in the spot you wanted. But the "highlight" is the almost the same color as the background, which means the gridlines virtually disappear, making it much harder to see the cell you were clicking. I kept clicking in the wrong spot because I couldn't see the grid. It made my eyes hurt. I played three puzzles, wrote this review, and deleted the game.
Review by Turrean on NonogramsHDLite.

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