Boring, ad-riddled – Townsmen Review

This is the most ads I’ve ever seen on a game. The extreme nature of sucking money out of this mediocre town-building game is almost absurd. There is a permanent (unless you give the company money of course) large black band of constant ads that takes up about 1/4 of the screen, as well as ads that just stop your play and force you to watch, sometimes 30 seconds long. It’s clear the “game” here was secondary, as there are so many arbitrary limits on things. There’s a level system, but you can only level up to 25. There’s a fast forward system, but after 60 seconds of cumulative use (meaning if you turn it off it does not reset) you have to use the real-world money option to fast forward, and unless you like just staring blankly and doing nothing you will need to fast forward. There’s a cap on the number of goods you can sell, for no discernible reason but to limit your income possibilities so you have to spend real money. The gameplay has a LOT of prepared to spend much of your time just...waiting. You know, everyone’s favorite part of playing a game. The music in the game is a series of about four clips that change, without any attempt at transition, maybe every 15 to 30 seconds. This feels like My First Sim Game, and then they slapped 4000 ads on it and figured it would print money. The UI is confusing and ugly, consisting of dull browns and bright reds that clash at every opportunity. The NPCs have no personality. There is nothing quirky or cute or fun’s extremely bare bones, designed only to get you to spend money. Play something else.
Review by Ein M. on Townsmen.

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