Game has completely seized up, typical mobile game. – World at Arms Review

Not only is this game an example of a typical mobile game using the Hedonic Treadmill (lots of starting rewards, stiffing you out on them as you progress, making it harder and harder to progress unless you pay real money for a special currency to skip ahead of the time it takes to grind stuff) But after a long while of playing it with having not paid a cent to Gameloft, my game has somehow managed to completely seize up. Worst part is, I’ve heard from other people it happens to them too. Is the game on a timer to break your game so you can no longer play and Gameloft keeps your money? Do you smell that? I smell a class-action lawsuit. By “seizing up”, I mean the game loads and gets into the base and everything, but nothing on the screen you tap responds at all. It’s as if the “guidance mode” of the phone is on and set to block the whole screen. This also happened on the PC version when I tried to play it after the mobile app decided to keel over and die, except on PC it decided to crash upon launch and support completely wasted my time and did not ever provide a fix. One day Gameloft will fix this bug in their game, that day is likely years from now, but that day will come eventually... I hope.
Review by prototype464 on World at Arms.

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