Best city builder of them all! – My City - Entertainment Tycoon Review

I’ve tried them all, and this city builder has the most beautiful graphics and fun city designs of any of them. Gameplay is easy to learn. Other games are so complex you feel like you’re being “pecked to death by ducks.” The only con is that it can take forever to expand. Expansion is difficult to achieve, provides little space, and will tempt you to spend money to make it happen. I have purchased a few of their $10 packs to jumpstart my city, but I’m not going to spend hundreds. At some point I will call it a day. My advice to the developer is to make it easier to expand or provide a larger area of expansion for the items you have to collect, rather than making it so difficult one wants to give up. It really is a gorgeous app. Bravo to the developers on their designs and gameplay mechanics.
Review by UberTechGuy on My City - Entertainment Tycoon.

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