Powerful and easy – Groceries Grocery List Review

I love it when I don't have to read the directions.... Especially when an app offers a lot of detail. It makes me feel free and smart..... And UNfrustrated!!!! I have tried at least 8 list apps both free and up to $4.99. THIS ONE RULES!!!! I shop for the same things at multiple stores and this app let's me separate by store and keep items so I don't have to constantly re-enter them. ( I can grey them out once I put them in the cart.... So not only can I activate the item when I need it again I can see in the store what I have and haven't gotten. This App also stops scrolling dizziness by allowing me to collapse the lists at the other stores ....so I can just have the one from the store where I am . It also let's me add names of stores I use all the time onto the tumbler.... And create rank order....Feels really custom. This app is the poster child for a well designed fully featured simple to use and intuitive to figure out App. THANK YOU for all the work you put into making it. Pam Morris
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