Pretty good – Best Triple Yatzy Ever Review

We had been playing the free version of this game which had many glitches in it. I am hoping that paying for this version means that the glitches have been worked out. Also as a personal opinion I don’t like having the names of nonexistent people on our scoreboard. I feel no desire to compete with imaginary computer players and would like this changed so only the people who actually play are represented on the scoreboard. Also, my husband wishes there was some kind of sound feedback when we get a Yatzy. There are an amazing number of bugs in this program. In spite of this, we play this game every night. But the bugs are very distressing and I wish there was a way to communicate with the person who made this program to see about ironing out these bugs but I guess the program has been abandoned.
Review by adtsr on Best Triple Yatzy Ever.

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