My story – The Ensign Review

Once the game is completed the author asks for us to share our vision of the world as it is described. As I played the ensign and began to improve in skill surviving and longer each time, I began to see that I changed my mentality each time I died. Each time it was and new survival ideal, I found my choices starting from moral to whatever benefited me. Until I came to the terrified family with their food on the table. At first I took the food not thinking much of it, as I left the message “ The child starved first” made me think about my choices. After a long time I found that I had never taken their food on any other occasion. At times I would find people, when I was desperate for food or resources and I convince myself that relieving them of their lives was merciful instead of selfish. However at one point I was starving dying of thirst but I was close to our house, I went inside and it was the starving family. Instead of acting desperately, the memory of what happened Burned in me. I left and starved in the wasteland rather than take their food. The tales the Admiral speaks of, I found at first nothing more than a narrative. But once I was seasoned and a veteran in the game, when I heard his tales I could feel the excitement of destroying and conquering the planet. I felt the zeal and valor from those times, diminished by the worlds wait. Another times in the game I would be dragging myself along only on the hope of victory once I reached the flag ship. At desperate times I would only think of the ship as an escape instead of a returning strike to finish the humans. I found with the defectors a shocking pleasure in defeating them. Finally once I drag myself to the ship with plenty of alien Ally, upgrading it to the teeth I set sail I got far enough to inject, and was welcomed by the beginning of a dark room. I continue to play the game making the ship stronger and stronger attending to get past the astroids. Only were my suspicions that there was no escape from the planet confirmed when I listened to the authors secrets. This game is incredible and gives a powerful narrative and really makes you think. It’s hard especially the stars but as you increase in skill becomes easier.
Review by JFullmer on The Ensign.

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