Life Changing – I am Giraffe Review

Before this game I never truly knew myself. I had become familiar with a sort of faćade. A cracked shell of an image I had once thought fit best according to society’s standards. It was a mask I am ashamed to have worn. A mask of a weakling. I would spend hours upon hours searching and searching for who I was. Searching for something that felt right. I tried socializing, making friends, bonding with other people, even at one point breaking others. But never did any of my actions feel true to myself. Until one day I discovered I Am Giraffe. It was in that first moment of consumption that I realized my true self. It was in the moment, that I realized the giraffe behind the mask. I experimented. I experienced. I enjoyed. There was never and will never be a rush like that first time I attempted to consume another giraffe. The feeling of power. The feeling of dominance. Giraffe after giraffe I consumed and I savored. I was no longer the weakling of the past. No longer was I the mask, shoving my mouth full of chopped leaves and broken twigs. No. Now I was something stronger. As my bloodlust for giraffes grew my form grew as well. I find myself now in a refined version of my previous self. Stripped of all weakness I am power. I am fury. I am giraffe.
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