First time using it, would like to see some fine tuning – The Christmas Gift List Pro Review

Overall, I think this is a good product. It's nice to have a place to organize my shopping list, keep track of purchases, etc. We tried doing family sync, but it did not work. It may be due to the fact that I had her buy it after I bought it, but we then deleted it, purchased it through my account, and the data was still not synced in her version. I contacted customer support, but their suggestions did not allow my wife and I to share the lists on our respective devices. It would be much better if there was an in-app feature where sharing could be set up with other devices from a master user, rather than having to use family sync through our Apple devices. I don't want to share all of my wife's apps, just this one. My wife also thinks it would be nice to have a way to mark someone as done on the list. Maybe a way to darken their listing or "highlight" through it. One of people's favorite things to do is check-off their lists, and this would provide an opportunity for that. Otherwise, I'm happy with this purchase.
Review by Sheez6 on The Christmas Gift List Pro.

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