Great Options – Tap & Fart - Fart noise & prank soundboard machine Review

The names of the farts are pretty spot on so you know what you’re getting before you hear it. This app has a great multitude of uses and I don’t think I could live without it. If you’re home alone and existential thoughts begin barging in your head and the threat of your looming demise is beginning to get you down, just open this app and play a few farts to chase those thoughts away. If you’re at the DMV and the line is ridiculously long and the only sounds are the chatter of the people at the various booths and the sound of Doc Mcstuffins playing on a 2 year old’s IPad, whip out this app and play a few farts. It’ll bring your mood right up while also giving you some personal space as people get away from you. If you’re at a family gathering, such as thanksgiving, and one annoying family member just won’t stop talking about how “your life is going nowhere” and “why didn’t you finish school” and “why don’t you have a job”, pull this app right out and play a fart every time they talk. I personally recommend the wet one because it makes people the most uncomfortable, and I promise you, no one will talk to you for the rest of the night. Honestly, this is just an all around great app that I think everyone should download. It’ll change your life for the better, guaranteed.
Review by BeckyKinzie on Tap & Fart - Fart noise & prank soundboard machine.

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