STILL very sad – U-Boat Commander Review

The crashes have, for the most part, been fixed in this update but the AI is pathetic making it a very repetitive game. After an hour or so, even the most casual player will become bored. The load time has been shortened (not enough) but it's SO predictable that as soon as you run out of torpedoes, the'll be depth charges. EVERY TIME! It's really not what you had hoped for. When you have finished a campaign, your ONLY alternative is to start one all over again - even if you'd hit the wrong button. What did you get on the last campaign? Who knows: no competitive scoring. And the cancel button? Forgetaboutit. Your only choice is to start a new campaign and blow away the old one. Pitiful. If it were 15cents, I'd felt I'd gotten my money's worth but not for a dollar - and not even with this update!
Review by Colcord on U-Boat Commander.

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