Pretty sucky – Stickman Shooting - Free stickman fight/war games Review

Alright, let's start with the obvious. the controls are too sensitive and it's difficult to aim. Then of course, there's no blood... at all, which is disappointingly dissatisfying. Your health isn't nearly big enough, and when you shoot someone twice in the torso, they don't die. The fire button is too small, and you always accidentally press the rest of the screen which makes a slashing sound. This is for melée, I'm guessing. And it doesn't work well. You guys had the right idea for a great game, but you went all wrong with the controls. If you had used touch to aim with your finger or thumb, I'm sure your game would've sucked less. And again you didn't use any blood. Also, let's just admit it... YOU COPIED A VIDEO GAME ON THE INTERNET! And it made a great game using a computer mouse, but no one wants to move the iPhone or iPod touch around just to aim. Like I said, you had good intention and the right idea, but seriously guys... epic fail.
Review by Atomic Catastrophe on Stickman Shooting - Free stickman fight/war games.

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