Minnesota? – Coin Flip-Simple coin toss sim Review

I enjoy this app, but not as much as the previous version — the one that made ALL the state versions of the U.S. quarter dollar coins available for flipping. This version of the app does include some gold coins from other countries, which are nice, but I am certain that the developer would get a LOT more $2.99 purchases if ALL state versions of U.S. quarter dollars were available. (Nothing against Minnesota, of course, which is a beautiful state, but I live in California, and the back side of the California state quarter, which depicts Half Dome in Yosemite Valley, is stunning! So is the Grand Canyon on the back of the Arizona state quarter, the maple trees for Vermont, etc., etc. Nice work with the app so far, but please consider adding ALL the state quarters for flipping. You’ll sell many more $2.99 versions, and you’ll get five-star ratings, to boot. Thanks
Review by Craig we on Coin Flip-Simple coin toss sim.

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