Thank you, Everguild. – Warhammer Horus Heresy Legions Review

When I was first getting into this, I didn’t think much of it. Wjile I enjoy the lore, the novels, tabletop 40k, and Dawn of War (up to the third one, anyway), I’ve always been disappointed by mobile games for 40k. But oh boy, Everguild proved me wrong. This TCG is fun, balanced, and everything is possible to achieve without paying a single dime. Updates keep flowing in, and the Events stay true to the lore. There are a few requests I’d like to make, though. For one, change the style of the menu. It looks like a default setting, and it doesn’t fit the 30k universe whatsoever. Add some style to it! I know you guys can do this. My second concern, is the chat system. It is majorly flawed and uncomfortable. While it isn’t that big of a deal, I would (and I’m sure many other players would, too) strongly appreciate a more developed chat system. My third concern is the currency. While the “economy” of the game is perfect as it is, “gold” and “gems” really have... nothing to do with the setting either. All this will need to be fixed is a quick name change & a different image. I can suggest having parts, which would make sense as both the loyalists and traitors scavenged the battlefields for scrap, and parts which they could use to repair & build their armor and weapons with, since both sides were running out of raw materials. “Throne Gelts” & “Aquillas” are the standard currencies of the imperium, so you could also use those two as designations for currency. Other then those things, everything in the game is awesome, and you guys should definitely keep up the good work!
Review by Butter Shadow 351 on Warhammer Horus Heresy Legions.

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