Basically great, but please fix ninja mode! – iSlash Heroes Review

This is an incredibly satisfying well-made game. I played it for years starting with the earlier versions. It's wonderful it's brilliant and kudos kudos kudos, truly, top of the heap. Now the downside which is ninja mode… I'm all for the limitations to challenge me, but it is ridiculous for the number of moves to be completely unpredictable! They do not correlate to pieces or anything else. There is no way to know if my six pieces are going to suddenly become three! Please please please make this just straightforward no mystery moves lost. Or if you insist on losing moves, Please make it clear and understandable how moves are lost! ALSO: could you please insert a "no, thanks" button on all the offers for move, saves, swords, etc? It's really tiresome day have to sit and wait for the count down…
Review by Stoidykins on iSlash Heroes.

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