Funny but needs refining – Eboticon Emoji Stickers Review

The eboticons are, for the most part, funny. However, my two biggest issues with the app is a technical glitch that causes a delay in the pasting of the Eboticon into the text space and the “I can’t” Eboticon. First, I typically have to press and hold the Eboticons two to four times before they paste. As a result, I don’t use the app as much as I’d like to. Second, the “I can’t” Eboticon depicts someone jumping out of window, which I find insensitive and a perpetuation of stigma towards mental health conditions such as, suicide. Suicides are far to sensitive of a topic for people to haphazardly use that as a means of being comedic. My request is that another image be used to depict the emotions conveyed by the title, “I can’t”.
Review by StephanieJ81 on Eboticon Emoji Stickers.

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