Great idea, desperately needs QA – Stern Pinball Arcade Review

It's a great app in that it's a wonderful replica of real tables. There are opportunities to try it a table before purchasing it, and has a good model of feeling like purchasing a full table is worth it. But it's filled with so many game-breaking bugs. Everything from randomly induced game ending glitches to tables not even starting up right. Currently, Star Trek is nearly unplayable as there are no table sounds other than the mechanical SFX, and the DMD only displays box outlines without any animations or gameplay variables. The issue persists through fresh installations of the app and through device reboots. For context, the device is an iPhone 8 running iOS 12.0 . I wish the devs the best of luck in figuring out the bug, and I look forward to being able to play again!
Review by Mmekvich on Stern Pinball Arcade.

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