Tons of Potential + Beautiful – Calcularium Review

This is easily the most beautiful calculator I’ve seen on iOS or anywhere - the design and usability are first-rate. This calculator would instantly become my go-to primary calculator if it wasn’t for one thing - the calculator is missing some fairly standard operations. You can’t easily do squares or cubes or x^n or take a square root or do e^x or natural logs etc... and it doesn’t recognize Pi or E verbally. I think the only way to use constants at the present time is to use up one of the 8 calculation pages for each constant you want to save.... but since there are only 8 I’ve entered my commonly-used ones and am already down to only 3 pages remaining. I’m a huge fan... and if I need to do simple calculations I’ll use this app - but until it can support slightly more complex operations or constants/conversions then I’m going to have to stick to PCalc42. So much potential, so beautiful and sooo close to being perfect for me.
Review by Method5440 on Calcularium.

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Te amo

Thanks but ….
Ahmad Rahimi


Very nice !
Jacob salcedo