Don't give up – The Ensign Review

Yes, I was shocked the first time I died and had to start over. But then I realized that, of course, without the builder's locket to resurrect you (as in ADR), what else could happen? I was IMMENSELY relieved when, on my third try, I started being able to survive the defector fights, and it got better from there. It's actually a good thing that you die so quickly at first - imagine spending two hours on the game the first time, being over halfway done, and THEN dying for the first time and realizing you have to start over? I've spent 10 hours on this game over the past few days, completed it twice (the second time to get some of the content mentioned in the Secrets that I missed the first time), and am glad I spent the $2. I especially appreciated the hug I got in the red text the time I died during the final space flight due to too few hull hp. That hug was the main reason I didn't give up at that point. (I recommend at least 30 hp, for the record.)
Review by porcupine888 on The Ensign.

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