You Ruined My Childhood – Ratchet & Clank: BTN Review

THX YOU JUST GAVE ME CANCER! This is just a remake of flipping (Pardon the profanity) Subway Surfers, except you got some ugly Dino boi's running around which surprisingly doesn't make Ratchet think "Hey, how about we not waste bullets on these innocent little creatures that just want to live and have a family." But also, HE HAS AN INTELLIGENT ROBOT ON HIS BACK THAT SURPRISES ME THAT HE DOESN'T SAY "HEY, THESE CREATURES ARE PROBABLY ENDANGERED AND PLUS BULLETS ARE EXPENSIVE, I MEAN ONE HARBINGER SHOT IS 1000 BOLTS IF YOU REMEMBER FROM DREAD ZONE RATCHET(Reference to Ratchet: Deadlocked. Great game by the way)! Ratchet and Clank going mobile was better than this and that game was actually GOOD (Hey Insomniac, bet you don't here the word good anymore, mostly towards your games). Turns out every Ratchet and Clank game after 2005 was bad including this one(Besides A Crack in Time, make more stuff like that or like Ratchet and Clank 1 and 3). Last thing is that why doesn't Insomniac try another mobile game, but instead of a Subway Surfers remake, why not an actual adventure like the one on console (May or may not cost money, preferably free since Insomniac needs to pay us back after All 4 one, The Ratchet and Clank movie, and Full Frontal Assault). INSOMNIAC CALL ME WHEN YOU MAKE A GOOD RATCHET AND CLANK GAME SO I DON'T HAVE TO LIVE WITH CANCER.
Review by Beast groudon on Ratchet & Clank: BTN.

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