Really fun – I, Viking: Valhalla Path Review

This is a great game with a good amount of strategy and a comprehensive D&D style stat system. The characters are cool. Skills are effective and diverse with crafting of runes to augment your gear and provide other bonus in game, on demand. There is a cash shop and it can accelerate your progress a great deal, but even if you never pay, progression is steady and you can definitely win if you are a smart player. To the devs: please implement a system to block “overly friendly” players. The same idiot sends me friend requests every day and it’s really annoying. Please fix the lag created by a berserker spin attack. It’s silly to survive the animation and then get hit with a few more ghost strikes and die. Lastly, please make my uncontrolled player character from attack knights and other NPC groups because I ran by them with my controlled character. The follower should mirror your moves. If I am running by without attacking, the follower should too. Once they get pulled in there is no escaping and changing characters just starts a loop of both doing things you don’t want. That’s all the criticism I have. Download this game now!
Review by Destrukkto on I, Viking: Valhalla Path.

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