Ask before purchase! – Farm Dream: Farming Sim Game Review

I really like playing this game and would give it a five star rating if it wasn’t for one caveat. Developers, I’ve lost multiple gems over ACCIDENTALLY pressing the wrong button. Please ask us for EVERY purchase “Are you sure you want to make this purchase?” That way, if we aren’t sure, we can cancel BEFORE we accidentally lose money or gems. I noticed that you asked that question for some purchases, but it needs to be that way for ALL of them. Losing gems is very frustrating especially when they are so hard to come by! Also, I can’t fill a customer’s order because one of the items is located in a building that is 11 levels away....11! I can’t fill the order because I don’t have the building and won’t get it until 11 more levels. Each level takes a lot of time (and in some cases money) to get through. I can’t tell you how long it’s going to take me to get through 11 levels. I’m definitely NOT paying out with the requested alternate 12 gems either. You guys are slick, but NOT slicker or more patient than I am. This is a ruse to get people to spend gems which will make them buy more with real money in the process!
Review by KanD Ceedee on Farm Dream: Farming Sim Game.

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