Useful but confusing – Catanerator - Map Generator Review

I am having trouble with figuring out how to set up the ports the way the generated map calls it out. It would be useful if the ports were grouped together the way the physical board pieces are. This way, you could tell which order to place the pieces. Most of the time, we try to configure the border pieces with the ports in the locations indicated on the map, but there’s just no way to do it, so we just use the default 1-1, 2-2, etc. Also, I see most of the time that the resources are grouped together pretty heavily (all the wood in one section of the board, etc). And even without the option to have reds together, I see reds together. (8, 8, 6 all on adjacent tiles). The map also resets when you switch from portrait to landscape view. I just want to generate a quick, fair map that we can use to quickly set up the board and get to playing without having to spend a half hour worrying about it being unbalanced. Otherwise, the interface is slick and maybe I’d pay for the extra features if the free ones were a little better.
Review by Figment222 on Catanerator - Map Generator.

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