Hilariously horrible “game” – Sweet Candy Maker Games Review

The first ridiculous thing I noticed besides the extremely poor graphics was the advertisement to pay 2 coins to skip a step in the baking process, such as pouring or shaking, that takes literally 5-10 seconds to complete, and there’s usually 2-3 steps for each activity. If not to skip a step, it was to spend 5-7 coins on an electric mixer or a “freezethrower”. The Easter chocolate molds were an abomination, one looked like an egg with measles or herpes, and another looked like a deformed, deranged dog/ troll. The “flavors” were unnamed, pitiful colors in what looked like a drug syringe. There were only 3 free “flavors” and 30 unnamed “flavors” that could be unlocked by paying $4.99, and the same was for the molds, sprinkles, decorations and backgrounds. I found the cowboy hat covered in spiders a very strange decal, but it was one of the 3 free items, and honestly better than any paid items. I went to see just how much the coins cost, and I was shocked to see that you could buy up to $99.99 in coins. That would give someone 10,000 coins, but I can’t possibly see how that could ever be spent on such a poorly thrown together game. It appears to me to be a game that would attract children in hopes of the parent’s banking or iTunes payment immediately accessible, and would quickly rack up charges for an unsuspecting parent. Parents beware!
Review by w1ndows_v1rus on Sweet Candy Maker Games.

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