Needs update – LockBox Review

This app is in terrible need of an update. It crashes when entering new info. When you try to input data into one of the fields, for example “Facebook PW”, it changes to some unrecognizable jibberish like “&$/;>}” when trying to save it. Additionally, the foreground screen for unlocking the app is very dark on top of having black numbers in the background to unlock it, essentially giving a “black on black“ effect making it somewhat difficult to see the actual numbers you need to tap to unlock the app even with brightness on device turned all the way up. I’ve dealt with this for years but is it really that difficult to configure numbers that are better visible to the user?? For places in low light, it’s just annoying, but in places with high light (ie outside & in rooms where you have the light on) it’s almost impossible to see the actual numbers behind the “vault doors”. Update this bad boy & it might be worth something.
Review by No. Just no. on LockBox.

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