Cant finish Episode 1 bc of huge bug in game – Life Is Strange Review

I've hardly been able to play this game, I'm still stuck in the bathroom unable to progress because every time I pick up the hammer to hit the fire alarm, the fire alarm doesn't ring like it's supposed to but the character dialogue still plays as if the alarm had sounded and the boy and girl run out of the bathroom while simultaneously the gunshot still rings out and the dialogue as if the boy had still shot the girl plays along with the boy screaming, "No, no, no, no, no!" So I am stuck in the bathroom with no way to progress. Was really looking forward to playing and purchasing the entire season, but since I can barely play episode 1, why bother? I also just updated the game to the most recent version. If there isn't a fix soon, I'll have to just delete and forget about it since it takes up so much space.
Review by Vegastowerssucks on Life Is Strange.

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