Continuous Crashes, Copied Characters, Lost Items – Alliance: Heroes of the Spire Review

Ever since I’ve gotten this app, I’ve had several issues with its functionality. Besides the fact that it copies a lot of themes and play style of games that exist already, the app sadly doesn’t function very well. It has potential, but I can’t even finish the story mode because the game crashes constantly. The best I can do is mostly auto-battles of the few places I managed to finish before impending crashes. It’s caused me to waste keys, lose rank in arena, and other items you can only use once. It takes it, the game crashes, and I can’t repeat the objective. It’s a bit of a mess. Besides the affected gameplay, a lot of the characters in the game border on copyright infringement. It’s not hard to tell what characters are heavily inspired by existing characters. I’m surprised they haven’t been given a cease and desist yet. As a graphic designer, it’s kinda embarrassing how close to the original designs they are. Overall, the game has potential, but could be much better and have more unique characters that don’t look like knockoffs from other trademarked ones.
Review by Frost-Skyder on Alliance: Heroes of the Spire.

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