Fun at first... All they care about is $$$ now... – DRAGON BALL LEGENDS Review

If you are a new player to this game, you're going to love it, hence all the 5 star raving reviws. But, if you're like me, who started playing since day 1 (preordered it when it was available and waited patiently till it was released), this game just keeps going downhill. I am a huge dragonball fan and when this game came out, I was so excited and even spent a good amount of money because it sucked me in, but now, I regret spending any money on it, and this game has lost almost all the fun! If you are a new player, read this carefully and then decide to keep playing or even spend money this game or not. If you are a developer, please take this review and make changes to the game or you're going to start losing players quickly, well at least those who play long enough and then realize there's nothing left to do in the game... at least you'll have all those new players who download it for the first time and love it for the first few weeks.. I'll start with CONS... CONS: - this game is slowly becoming a PAY-TO-WIN game. Which is no different than any game out there, but at least, in the beginning, it didn't matter because they were generous with the rate that you were able to summon SPARKING characters. - developers are getting lazy! In the beginning, you play the story mode and it's EXCITING! It's fun and you want to know what's going to happen next! But, they seem to have forgotten about this part altogether.. i've been waiting update after update, but no new chapters have been released for the story mode... - additionally, events also show the dev's laziness and they're useless... the new updates have made it a little better, but i'll explain that in the PROS section. The events used to be little mini stories from past Dragonball episodes. Those were fun, because they took you back to your childhood and it was fun relieving those episodes again in the game. BUT, again, after many updates, they haven't released any new mini stories, but have brought back an old one and just added a "hard" mode to it... Also, the events that they have now, great for getting soul items, but the scout battles that give you Z Powers are useless because they're for HERO characters.. WHO USES "HERO" CLASS CHARACTERS??? NO ONE! -So, if you are like me and you've been playing this game for a while, you will have probably beaten all the Event stories and all the Main Stories, leaving you with nothing to do but PVP... which can be fun in the beginning, but then you realize that all that grinding is futile for the following reasons. 1) they only start giving out gems and ranking rewards if you managed to spend hours ranking up, but the gems are not worth it unless you hit top 100, which is almost impossible for regular players like me who are not spenidng $1000's... 2) there's no incentinve to go up in the PVP ranking, because though the Rare Medals are good in the beginning to get rare Soul Stones, once you've leveled up and maxed out your best characters, there's no use for them... nothing worth every buyingon the Exchange Shop - SPARKING CHARACTERS ARE ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET NOW! In the beginning, it was farily easy and FUN to get SPARKING characters... now, it seems like you have to spen 2-5k gems and pray REALLY HARD that you get at least ONE sparking character! I mean, seriously! Gems are already hard enough to get if there's no event going on, and spending THOUSANDS of gems to keep getting crappy HERO and maybe some EXTREME characters just gets plain tiring and annoying... bunch of greedy developers! - gosh there's more but i'm tired of typing.. hey developers... don't just focus on how to farm money out of people... bring back the main stories, the mini stories, and for goodness sakes, don't make it so darn IMPOSSIBLE to get SPARKING characters! PROS - it's fun in the beginning - events give you lots of gems, but then they are pretty much useless as you seem to never get SPARKING characters - new update lets you farm more soul stones
Review by Fgvscg on DRAGON BALL LEGENDS.


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