Too Little To Do – Slime Battles Review

TL;DR: You will never win single player. Play this with friends or don’t play it at all. Even then, it’s just Pokémon but with one creature per type and little to do other than scan, battle, repeat... So basically the idea behind this app is that you play a strange form of Pokémon, only this time you collect items and catch Pokémon (or “slimes” in this game) by scanning barcodes. But other than scanning and using those items to buff your slimes, all you can do is battle. Heads up, the types aren’t consistent with Pokémon. Good luck figuring them out... Don’t get me wrong, that’s not a bad thing; not unless you don’t know anyone who wants to try it. This is because the single player battles are unbeatable. That’s right, the most time consuming of the game, your go-to solution for practicing and grinding xp, is an endless stream of frustration and despair. The problem is the computer chooses its monsters based off of yours, knows the type advantages that you don’t, always has potions/buffing items, always goes first (which is actually a huge advantage), always has monsters of your level, and has either buffed every one of its monsters some with items or made one of its monsters way too OP for its level. If only who went first was randomized and they only had as many items/buffs as you... at least you’d have a chance then. You still level up from losing, but it doesn’t matter if your opponent levels up every time you do. They’ll always be a little stronger than you and they’ll always win. So yeah, good thing there’s multiplayer...
Review by This is pretty good for a lite on Slime Battles.

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