Not much – My Virtual Manga Girl Anime 3D Review

Ok ok I know some of you like this and think I’m a crazy person for giving it 1 star, but in my opinion there is a good reason for that. In this game there is nothing to do other than spend real money and fight four skeletons that respond way to quickly. Also that the most fun I had in this game was being confused and editing a character. So the title for this review “not much” makes sense! It’s really not fun just to sit around, blow your moola, AND not have real fun. Sorry to people who “like” this game and developers, but there is more. I didn’t get the point of the app at all, neither the less and get intrigued by it while using the app. ALSO there is no tutorial so more god dang confusion for me. Fun talking about this boring to ya strangers. Hope the developers could try to make it into a reasonable game instead of a money pit for them.
Review by FoxyPanda101 on My Virtual Manga Girl Anime 3D.

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