Bitcoin is the new normal – Bitcoin Signals Review

Have you ever noticed that every decade or so a product, service, or set of trends comes along and changes everything. Well Bitcoin started a global change: BORDERLESS CURRENCY, borderless as well as not under the greedy hands of the world bankers. You all know .... the cabal that’s behind every crisis, war, and financial downturn. My name is MarkusBiggs, I am a 15 year USMC Veteran, father of four, and aspiring author. I plan on writing a weekly blog that highlights the outstanding , the terrible, and everything tracking between the two. I will get into some history, talk about what’s trending now, and I will absolutely discuss and dissect at least one “conspiracy theory,” each month. I’m looking forward to this new adventure with all of you, so I’m inviting all of you to Head down this path with me! I hope everyone’s today is better than their yesterday, and their tomorrow is more than they hoped for. Markus J Biggs
Review by MarcusBiggs on Bitcoin Signals.

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