Liberal and intolerant – Vanity Fair Digital Edition Review

Article making fun of conservative and standing up for a liberal bully who followed customer in the street only to flip them off (and the article celebrates the bully). Article proceeded to bash the president of the US. God tells us to respect authority. They should be ashamed of the trash they write. VF preaches tolerance but they only tolerate you if your views are identical to theirs. I’ll be praying that the editors and writers will come to know the love and forgiveness that Jesus offers them. I hope that I have the opportunity to have coffee with them to politely and lovingly discuss our differences. Perhaps then they can at least stop their malicious attacks on people who stand up for their beliefs. So sad to see people living in America who declare that you only have freedom to your belief system so long as it’s exactly their belief system.
Review by 66booksofTrutg on Vanity Fair Digital Edition.

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