Change The Name To “Freemium Land” – Harvest Land Review

If you want to be even moderately successful in this game, (and by “moderately” I mean achieving REQUIRED things in the game), be prepared to either spend real money as you would do in any freemium game or rely solely on the Floating Cinema and save the scraps it gives you over a LONG period of time. “Unrealistic” doesn’t come close to describing the storage capacity. Amulets are super hard to come by considering you need them to expand storage or unlock other areas which are both vital to playing the game. If you want to tackle caravans for amulets, be prepared to do only that instead of boat orders because 96 milk can really jack your storage up. Also, when you reach certain levels, more items become available for you to create. THAT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN MAKE THEM IF YOU DON’T HAVE THE BUILDING FOR IT. That means caravans and boats will ask you for these items that you can’t make on your own so you have to send them off, buy from other players or hope the gnome trader gives you some, for a price. Speaking of, playing with the gnome trader is literally like playing Russian Roulette. I think we can all agree that at some point, we paid the gnome and received 10+ swords that we couldn’t use to fill our 10-15 capacity armory. So forget about destroying the monsters stalling your crops growing time of 10+ hours or trolls burning your buildings. If you don’t use or try to sell those weapons, you are literally stuck. BUT WAIT! You FINALLY put some weapons to sell on your boat to lighten the load! Unfortunately, your granary has one too many potatoes and you cant fill the merchants order since you’ve only managed to gather the 55/56 carrots you need for that order! AND to top it all off, his offer expires in 30 minutes! You have to remove those potatoes but your boat is full of swords you’re trying to sell, so you decide to make baked potatoes but CRAP! you have no butter! You try to gather the milk for the butter but CRAP AGAIN! Your storage capacity is full with the rest of the merchants order! Your boat returns from it’s voyage, but no sword was purchased. With no other options, the screen fades to black with the words: “You Died” written in blood. The last part of my story was obviously exaggerated but that is honestly what it feels like to run out of storage space in the game. Overall, the game can be pretty fun if it went a bit easier on us players. It’s a nice contrast to the games that have other players attacking your castle or whatever; it’s more laid back which is something I like. But, with all the other junk that makes it so difficult to play, I can give but only 2 stars. P.S.: It’s 2018. My background music shouldn’t stop when I open/use the app. Fix it, Jesus.
Review by Thatpersonx on Harvest Land.

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