Beautiful, intuitive and accessible – Tiny Bubbles Review

This is a beautiful game both visually and in design. When a color-based game has colorblind accessibility built seamlessly into the tutorial in a no-nonsense way, I’m sold. But beyond the accessibility, it’s a visually pretty game; the colors are cheerful, but soothing and fit with the relaxing, water-based design really well. The fish (Bloop) is cute and adds to gameplay. Finally, the game itself has hints and help, but is intuitive enough for a regular puzzler to solve without using them. So far, I’ve finished the first world in about 30 minutes of playing and am looking forward to the remaining worlds. Each world has plenty of levels so I anticipate enjoying this one for a while. :) All in all- definitely worth the $4.99 for supporting this well-developed, well-designed game.
Review by CHeidner on Tiny Bubbles.

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