Despite having rating nags turned off – MyScript Calculator Review

The company disregards my wishes and nags me at very annoying times. I had to hold a number in my memory, and when I switched over to write it down, a rating nag pops up. I have to read through the options with a number in my head, and I ended up recording the wrong one. Nice. All so the company can spam me AS I'M CALCULATING. If devs had their way, I'd do nothing but type reviews all day. It's asinine. What the customer wants or needs is secondary to the whimsical wants of the company. I can never work, confident that I will be unimpeded. I always have to be wary of when the next nag is going to intrude. Let me ask you something, if I wanted to type a review, why would I be using a calculator? I mean, don't you have your answer right there? Better yet, stop punishing me for being a customer and feeling entitled to use my device to send me text messages begging me for stuff. At the very last, stop being hostile to customers, and respect their choices. Anyone that doesn't 1-Star rating nags aren't part of the problem, they ARE the problem. Don't be the problem.
Review by Seattle Rex on MyScript Calculator.

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