WARNING--before you create an album! – Moments–private shared albums Review

When I got a notification that my sister shared some vacation photos with me--viewing them would require me to download this app. So I began getting recommendations for albums from "moments" to create my own albums. Unfortunately, I liked some of the albums that the app created, so I let them become creations. I had no idea, that ALL of the photos in an album created, would be sent to every person in my contacts--whose face appeared in the album. I began getting calls and text messages from my family, and from friends that I haven't seen in years thanking me for sharing!!! My son called me and said "mom you shared 73 albums with me?" It took over three hours to untangle the mess that I had created. Thank God, that I wasn't naked or had any inappropriate pictures in my photos. My suggestion is that you really view each picture and album before you say yes. YES means that the pictures will be made public to everyone in your contacts that clicks on a "-----,( a contact in your phone) shared an album with you, click here to view it". What I did was stupid, I trusted the sight to make albums--which I thought I could later edit , and choose to share with people that I wanted to share with. This is not the case!
Review by Gershow on Moments–private shared albums.

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