Not Complete Pro Upgrade! – powerOne Scientific and Graphing Pro Calculator Review

I selected the Pro upgrade option within Power One Lite when my previous purchase of it would not restore, and this app is what I got. It in ***NO*** way includes all of the individual packs you can purchase separately as promised, especially the financial ones. It is ONLY a scientific calculator with conversions as well. It includes NONE of the financial calculations expected. It does give access to a wide array of user-generated templates, but I want the ones written by the developer that were promised! In order to get those financial applications, I had to purchase ANOTHER complete Power One app at additional expense, which DOUBLED the expected and promised cost of the upgrade. I have relied on Power One for many years for basic calculations, and would have given the original Lite app 4-5 stars for what it does, but this bait-and-switch and doubled expense issue has eliminated most of them. I will probably still use the apps because I’ve now paid a fortune for them, but I’m left with a really bad taste in my mouth. Very disappointed...
Review by Wendyannh on powerOne Scientific and Graphing Pro Calculator.

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