I have 8 tiles!! – SCRABBLE Premium Review

Game is doing better since the last update, however, still running into problems. Mainly, it freezes up when attempting to open the app. In the last week I've needed to uninstall/reinstall the app nearly EVERY time I wanted to play. REALLY?! And yes- this is actually better than before when I couldn't play at all. Good grief, AE. Please fix the bugs. I like the game when it works, but is can be so frustrating. It's September 2017. 4 days ago I received a message that I should change my Origin password as a safety precaution... that it was good to go this from time to time, etc... So I did. Now I can't get into my Origin account at all. I contacted support (which was no walk in the park) and finally received a phone call. I was told others are having the same problem and to wait two days or so while Origin works out the bug. Well, it's been longer than two days and I still can't access the Scrabble game! Concerned my opponents will have force forfeited my open games due to my lack of play and I will thereby lose my standing as well as history . What's going on???? It’s been almost a week and I can only play Scrabble on Facebook- something I’ve never done before. My new password still isn’t working (and I tried changing but several times...). Us anyone else having this issue?? It’s been two weeks. I finally got into my Origin account, but as I suspected, opponents have force-forfeited some games. My ratings have returned (they were not there initially). I really like playing Scrabble, but the technical issues have been a real pain... So I downloaded the latest version and I’m experiencing the weirdest thing yet- I have 8 -yes, 8 -tiles in my rack. There’s a tile on a tile. Even when I throw down a 7 letter word, for which I at least got the 50 pt bonus. After I used seven tiles for that word, there was still one left in my rack. I appreciate the advantage of having an extra letter, but it isn’t exactly fair to my opponents, EA.
Review by Sewthankful on SCRABBLE Premium.

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