Beautiful AND functional – Done: A Simple Habit Tracker Review

I have tried the following “habit” apps: Habit-Bull, Productivity, Way of Life! and Daily Goals. In some, I even upgraded to paid features. In each case, I sighed, “Why does creating habits have to be so d’mn ugly?” With Habit-Bull, I expected some roided-out CrossFit guy to jump out of the app and scream, “Drop and give me 20!” I gave up and then spent way too much money, trying to make a Bullet Journal look like the ones on Pinterest. (Seriously, who has that time?) After throwing away, my last attempt at paper habit tracking, I came back to the App Store and found a friendly app called “Tally”. It did the job, simply keeping track of my successful days. After some success, I found myself wanting the “streak” feature. So, I went back to the App Store. I downloaded Habit-Bull again and didn’t make it past the login screen before that roided-out guy was screaming at me. Productivity? “Why do we have to be so dark about things?” I didn’t even download the latter two again. Then I saw done in the App Store, as if it were winking at me and saying, “We got this.” I downloaded it and fell in love. If there is one word to describe this app, it’s friendly. The classical music sounds (that can be muted) are fun rather than stodgy. The interface is clean and bright. This is *the app* if you’re looking for medium-level data on habit tracking and a beautiful, friendly interface. Thanks, guys! Keep up the good work! p.s. I would love to see what you would come up with if did a planner/to-do app.
Review by alexgoes on Done: A Simple Habit Tracker.

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