Great concept but needs work – Cryptonaut - Bitcoin App Review

Should be cloud-based so it can be accessed from multiple devices. What happens when a device stops working or replaced for a newer model. Can the data be transferred? Ethereum is not added to the dashboard histogram. It is added to the portfolio total, but not the graph. Sell something for ETH, such as LTC/ETH, and the graph plunges because the ethereum proceeds of the sale aren’t added to the graph. The reverse is true as well. I reported this on twitter and was told they would look into it, but not sure it went to the right place. You will also be alerted that your portfolio went down or up by the value of a transaction into or out of ethereum so it’s not apparently confined to the graph. There should be a way to introduce starting balances for when you begin tracking a but don’t want to enter all past transactions. You should be able to delete simple transactions in case you entered a value wrong.
Review by SlugmanV2 on Cryptonaut - Bitcoin App.

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