Thumbs up!! – Penny Dell Daily Crossword Review

I thought that the easy setting was going to be a little easier however on the other hand you don’t want to just know all the answers automatically and so my final Impression on this app is very good, and a great way to pass the time! If I had any suggestions I think it would be awesome if you paired up with a good quality online shopping app like Etsy or Amazon and if a certain individual ones a certain amount of puzzles and gets 100% on say 50 or 100 puzzles then you could give credit to your best players. This would be a good incentive for people to download your app and play your games, I just have always wondered why other sites didn’t do this type of thing since shopping websites do it all the time, for example… I believe it was eBay or Amazon that I had a deal going if you spent $45 On their website you would get 20% off your purchase. Anyways incentive can go along way that’s all I’m saying thank you for the crossword puzzles I love them, sincerely Jocelynn? Martin
Review by Joce? on Penny Dell Daily Crossword.

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